Events & Activities


Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards 10th Anniversary

Congratulations to the 10th Anniversary of Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards, the President of the Economist Society is honored to be the guest of the award ceremony, witnessing the outstanding enterprises winning the award and hoping that they will continue to work hard in the coming year. Congratulations to Quamnet and the 10th Anniversary of Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Award, which has become an excellent enterprise indicator in Hong Kong.
Congratulations to all the award-winning companies. Every award-winning company is a best company. It is a model of all walks of life. The awards are absolutely deserved. Every winner is very great. They are do very well in different aspects. It is commendable to obtain the achievements of the test. This year's award-winning companies have made great contributions to Hong Kong's economy and are convinced that winning awards will definitely create more impressive results.